Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Ever Give-Away!

Give-away, bribe, whatever you want to call it, I've got some schwag and I want to share it with you!

Last night I attended, and actually ended up helping run, a signing with Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, a.k.a. Margie, authors of "Beautiful Creatures". These two are awesome and put on a very cool event. They met when Margie kept trying to join a fantasy book club Kami conducted for teens, became friends and eventually wrote the book on a dare from some of those same teens. They have a lot of fun together and with everyone who comes to meet them. One girl was literally shaking she was so excited and they took time to chat with everyone in line and sign as many books as were set down in front of them.
Some friends, Kami, Margie, and Me

Kami and Margie are just awesome. I was at the end of the line with some friends so, after signing the last book, Kami and Margie just sort of hung out and chatted with us and it was like talking to someone you've known forever. They are simply fabulous and if you ever get a chance to go to one of their events do, you won't be disappointed.
Now for the FREE STUFF part!

I have a signed copy of "Beautiful Creatures" that I am going to give away to one lucky reader of my blog. That and some pretty fun swag that Kami and Margie hooked me up with as well. 

The Schwag

Just sign up to be a follower of this blog (click on the "Follow" button to the right) and leave a comment with your favorite book, current or all-time (because you can absolutely have both). And in a shameless effort at self-promotion on my part, you can earn an additional entry for every person that you get to sign up as well. Just tell them to mention that you referred them in their comment and that's another chance for you.
You have until Friday, October 29, at midnight (because all good things end at the stroke of twelve). Winners will be randomly chosen and posted on Saturday, October 30, so be sure to check back then to see if you've won.

Good Luck!


  1. Ali, you're awesome.
    I think my favorite book of all time is The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I used to read it all the time. In fact I think i need to go read it again, it's been a while.

  2. I'm not entering myself to win the book since I already have a copy, I just wanted to comment to say thanks for posting the picture of us- I swiped it :)

  3. I have mine own book as well but I will pass your blog around. It was so fun meeting you! (You are as much fun Kami and Margie.)

  4. Hehe, I got your blog link from facebook from Amy. :) Thanks Amy!

    I have heard so much about Beautiful Creatures that I borrowed it from the library the other day and can't wait to read it.

    I've got both favorite books. Right now my favorite book is Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey. And all-time is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Read it in high school and whenever I pick it up I can't resist the haunting romance of Heathcliff and Cathy. I do have more favorite books, but those are my top two at the moment.

  5. Hiya, Cuz! I think we should join forces, like Kami and Margie. I'll write the books, and you can review them all beautifully and highly positively so the masses swarm bookstores for copies. :) Or are you secretly writing, too, and not telling me? You should! Anyone who loves books like you do should try her hand at writing.

    I think my current favorite book is Megan Whalen Turner's THE THIEF (It's a series--three other books to adore!). My all-time favorite book is probably A CHRISTMAS CAROL, by Charles Dickens.

  6. Kim you've got a deal. I will totally be your publicist. We will make an awesome team!

  7. Hmmmm, so hard to pick a fovorite. Maybe THE HIDING PLACE? It's an oldie but goodie.

  8. My favorite book of all time is Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters, followed closely by The Norton Complete Works of Shakespeare and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

  9. Hey Ali! I love your blog! Hard to pick fav book of all time. I guess one of my favs would be The Time Traveler's Wife. I can't imagine what that was like for the both of them.

  10. I like free stuff... and I will follow you... I am singing that just so you know...

    Anyway, I didn't really read your instructions very closely, mostly because I wasn't really paying attention. Sorry.

    Book I enjoy, I don't really have an all time favorite, but I like to read Beauty by Robin McKinley, it is quick and easy, like me. Wait, no I am not. No, I like it because my name is in her name. I also really like the Goose Girl series, and I liked The Host. And The Hunger Games. Most of Jane Austen. I don't know, but those are the books that made the cut to come to Minnesota with me. Thaks for the give away, let's make a button for your blog.

  11. I am cousin's with Cory Ricks, and live in Minneapolis with bff! So I hear about you a lot, and fun stories about you two growing up!

    I am currently reading Mockingjay, because Kinley just got me addicted to the series. And I'm having withdrawls not reading it at this moment.
    But my all time favorite book is probably Gone with the Wind. Or any Jane Austin.
    and I found out about the Giveaway from Kinley so she should get an extra entry...I figure that's good for the both of us, because I'll just borrow the book from her when she's done reading it anyways!

  12. I am also a friend of Kinley. I would say my favorite books of all time are Jane Eyre and A Thousand Splendid Suns. Currently I would say Winter Haven cause I just got done reading it, and really liked it. I'm excited to read some you have posted!
